The Centenary of Military Aviation 2014 Air Show was proudly presented by the Royal Australian Air Force at RAAF Williams, Point Cook, Victoria over the weekend of 1st and 2nd March 2014.
Donna heard about it on the radio and off we went on Saturday. It was an overcast day but not too hot. I’m starting to come to the realization that I don’t mind shooting aircraft on cloudy days but only if there’s enough ‘texture’ in the sky to break up the grey. It’s actually more dramatic than a shock blue sky. But for the plane in the air shots, some blue is nice for the smoke or contrails to be seen against.
Anyways, here’s a few pics. I’m really happy with the Harvard with the red/white checked cowling, did someone say APPA? 🙂
And joy of joys, there’s an air show in Tyabb next weekend!