It’s funny, and a good thing, when you spot something that you’ve passed by time after time and not “seen”. And suddenly, it’s there.
This is an image that was taken only minutes from us and something that I’ve driven by nth number of times. It’s just about there, I think a different time of day to get more from the gates in the foreground, but I like the composition.
I am happier with this from Southern Cross Station and once again a good example of how lens profile corrections, and a bit of manual correction, can make an impact.
Following along the recent theme of old vs new, DP Review has published an excellent article comparing smart phone cameras vs dSLRs vs film. Check it out here.
At first I read it and thought film had more going for it in terms of end result but then reminded myself that, other than some sports imagery, everything I shot was on medium format film. Primarily 6X4.5 but I got thinking about it and I’ve had the chance to shoot, in medium format, 6X4.5, 6X6, 6X7, 6X9, 6X12 and 6X17. Does it mean anything? No, but I am grateful that I was able to have the opportunity to use these formats. It always felt a bit more ‘serious’ with the larger camera in my hand and I miss the extra heft; something that I’m likely alone in. 😉 If the lotto came through tomorrow, I think a Mamiya with a Phase One back would once again be my weapon of choice.
Come on lotto!