As part of my recent ‘milestone birthday’, I wanted to enusre I get the camera out a bit more regularly.

I have seen and heard of a lot of photographers doing a “365” project, a photo every day for a year, but I think that would end up being a regular grab with my phone, opposed to trying to take a photo.

So my thought and intention is 52, 12 and 12.

  • 52 weeks, 52 photographs taken
  • 12 months, 12 photographs that may be worth developing through to a completed image
  • 12 months, 12 things to learn. Learn a new technique, learn a new process, learn a new software but learn something each month.

I will not necessarily post a new pic each week but I will take them and will regularly post my progress.

Why? To get my butt in gear. 😉


Week 1 was easy, traveling through the NT.

But here’s weeks 2 and 3.


Week #2 – Glider flight in Bacchus Marsh (I was lucky enough to fly in a glider for the first time)



Week #3 – a shot for the milk bar collection


Categories: 52, 12 and 12


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